LXXXIII L. Stör - J.C. Storer
The oeuvre of Niklas Stör includes striking depictions of German soldiers, the notoriously dissolute and flamboyantly attired Landsknechte and Ottoman Turkish soldiers, belonging to two series dating to around 1530 by Sebald Beham, Peter Flötner and Erhard Schön.
In 2010 the Museum Boijmans van Beuningen in Rotterdam acquired nearly forty of these rare hand-coloured woodcuts in fresh condition. The series of portraits of the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V (Kaiser Karl V) and the seven Electors, woodcuts with hand- colour surviving in impressions from Gotha, make an interesting comparison to the imposing portrayals of the ancient Kings Eusterwon and Gambrivius from the book by Burkard Waldis, Ursprung und Herku men der zwölff ersten alten König und Fürsten Deutscher Nation, Nuremberg 1543. The wonderful collection in Gotha has been catalogued in the forthcoming Fliegende Blätter: Die Sammlung der Einblattholzschnitte des 15. und 16. Jahrhunderts der Stiftung Schloss Friedenstein Gotha by Bernd Schäfer, Ulrike Eydinger and Matthias Rekow.
The Italianate-German artist Johann Christoph Storer has been extensively studied by Sibylle Appuhn- Radtke. He was a draughtsman and painter, occasional etcher and designer of thesis prints engraved by the usual suspects the Kilians and Matthäus Küsel in Augsburg. Storer worked in Milan about 1639-40, but by 1652 he returned to his native Constance (Konstanz) and worked throughout south Germany decorating churches.
Published in 2016
Compiler: Dieter Beaujean
Editor: Simon Turner
ISBN: 978-94-91539-29-9
364 pp.