Remigius and Frans Hogenberg
In the late 1560s Remigius was working in Manster in Westphalia. He engraved a Map of Westphalia after a design by the cartographer Godfried Mascop, and a large View of Manster after Herman tom Ring (1570). He made illustrations after the same artist for books by the alchemist Leonhard Thurneysser (together with a hitherto unidentified monogrammist HHH), Archidoxa and Quinta essentia. By 1572 at the latest Remigius was active at the court of Matthew Parker, the Archbishop of Canterbury. He engraved portraits of the archbishop and others, and also a genealogy of English monarchs, signed and dated 1574. He contributed some of the Maps of Counties of England for an atlas published by Christopher Saxton in 1579. From his hand we also have a series of small portraits of members of the French nobility. Remigius was still alive in 1587, but probably died not long afterwards.
Frans Hogenberg worked in England around 1568, engraving portraits of members of the London court for the so-called Bishops Bible, published in 1568. Etched views of the Royal Exchange in London have been attributed to him. He had a friendly, lifelong relationship with the Antwerp cartographer and publisher Abraham Ortelius, and engraved many of the maps for his atlas Theatrum orbis terrarum, which appeared in 1570. In that year Frans went to live in Cologne, where he founded his publishing house. He had a large staff. Simon Novellanus and Georg Hoefnagel worked for him on the Civitates orbis terrarum, published together with Georg Braun in 1572, and on broadsheets dealing with political events in Europe since 1530. Many of these prints were used in Michael Aitsinger's De leone Belgico (1584), and in other historical treatises. Following Ortelius example, Aitsinger praised Frans's unsurpassed art of engraving in the preface to Terra promissionis (eleganti manu Francisci Hogenbergij exarata). Frans engraved and published large maps, such as Romani Imperii imago (1571) after a design by Ortelius, and Germania inferioris delineatio (The 17 provinces of the Netherlands; 1578). In 1575 he published 32 sheets of the History of Cupid and Psyche based on designs by Raphael.
The Danish governor of Holstein, Heinrich Rantzau (Frans etched his family tree in 1586), brought Frans to the attention of the Danish court, and in 1588 and 1589 two major print series saw the light of day: the Funeral Procession of Frederick II of Denmark and the Res gestae of Frederick II of Denmark, both produced in cooperation with Simon Novellanus. By that time the publishing firm of Hogenberg was well established. After the death of Frans in 1590 it was continued by his son Abraham until well into the seventeenth century.
Published in 2009
Compiler: Ursula Mielke
Editor: Ger Luijten
ISBN: 978-90-77551-73-8
362 pp.