Rembrandt School
These etchings, many highly accomplished and very collectable, certainly warrant a more thorough and in-depth treatment as they have had before, however most of their print oeuvres are not nearly substantial enough to have their ‘own’ New Hollstein volume. Therefore, it has been decided on a different approach for these specific artists, an approach already well known to Rembrandt scholars. Following Werner Sumowski’s magnificent volumes of the ‘Gemaelde der Rembrandt Schueler’ and the ‘Drawings of the Rembrandt School’, the etchings of the Rembrandt School will be published together in one set. The volumes will also treat a number of etchings previously ascribed to Rembrandt but now considered anonymous.
Compiler: Jaco Rutgers (The section on Ferdinand Bol's prints is prepared in collaboration with Richard Weiskopf)
Editor: Ger Luijten